Clouds tinged with golden pink were trailing away towards the horizon. He put it down on the ground away from his feet.īond looked up at the sky. As a hunk of metal it might be useful, but it wouldn't light any more and it might scrape against the rock. There it would be handy but protected from bitting against anything. Satisfied, he slipped it behind him and down the waistband of his trousers up against his spine. He lifted his knife close up to his eyes and carefully examined the blade. He leant against the cool face of rock and waited for his breathing to get back to normal. He caught a glimpse of the tip of his spear lancing into the centre of a black eyeball and then the whole sea erupted up at him in a fountain of blackness and he fell and hung upside down by the knees, his head an inch from the surface of the water.īond took one long comprehensive look and pulled back. Now the eyes and the great triangular beak were right out of the water and the beak was reaching up for his feet. He could even feel his spine being stretched. Bond was being pulled down, inch by inch. The eyes were glaring up at him, redly, venomously, and the forest of feeding arms was at his feet and legs, tearing the cotton fabric away and flailing back. Now the head of the squid had broken the surface and the sea was being thrashed into foam by the great heaving mantle round it. From out of the mouth of the sock, in a solid downward jet, the scrambled-egg-coloured guano dust was pouring into the hold of the tanker at a rate of tons a minute.īond had not time to worry about them. The purpose of the crane was to lift the wireframed mouth of the sock so that it hung directly over the hold of the tanker and to move it to right or left to give even distribution. Its mouth ended in a huge canvas sock, perhaps six feet in diameter. It was carried on high stanchions above the jetty and stopped just short of the hold of the tanker. From just to the right of the crane, an overhead conveyor-belt in a corrugated-iron housing ran out from the cliff-face. The rest of the crew would be below, battened away from the guano dust. There was no sign of life On board except one figure lolling at the wheel in the enclosed bridge. The tanker was called Blanche, and the Ant of Antwerp showed at her stern. It stood well out of the water, its deck perhaps twelve feet above the quay. An aged tanker of around ten thousand tons deadweight was secured alongside the top of the T. In front of him the jetty ran twenty yards out into the sea and ended in a T.
It was the Chinese Negro boss, the driver of the marsh buggy. By making an offer to buy a Product, you specifically authorise us to transmit information (including any updated information) or to obtain information about you from third parties from time to time, including but not limited to your credit-card number or credit reports (including credit reports for your spouse if you reside in a community property jurisdiction), to authenticate your identity, to validate your credit card, to obtain an initial credit card authorisation and to authorise individual purchase transactions.Round the corner, not more than ten yards away, was the crane. The eligibility to purchase Products on the Website is limited to those parties who satisfy our Eligibility Criteria. We will not be liable to you or any third party by reason of our withdrawing any Product from the Website whether or not that Product has been sold removing, screening or editing any materials or content on the Website refusing to process a transaction or unwinding or suspending any transaction after processing has begun.

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